SIDS is the term given to all of the babies who die of an unexplainable death before they turn one year old. SIDS and the DTaP Vaccine “70% of children who have died of SIDS received the pertussis vaccine within 3 weeks before death.” Within this 3 week time period after receiving the vaccine, children’s…
Protecting Your Baby from SIDS
The American Academy of Pediatrics just announced new sleep recommendations in efforts to save babies from dying of SIDS, yet the real dangers still haven’t been addressed. Skin to Skin and Co-Sleeping I applaud the AAP for including new evidence that supports skin-to-skin care for newborn infants. The addition of suggesting that a baby should sleep…
Doing This One Simple Thing Will Help Your Newborn Thrive
There’s a photograph of me taken a few days after my first child was born. I am wearing the same pajamas I had on for the full day before, my hair has a greasy shine, my eyelids are drooping as if they need a prop to keep them open and, though it can’t be seen,…
Three Essentials to Have in Your Birth Bag
Essential #1 There were some things that no one told me about birth. Perhaps the most shocking thing for me was the aftermath happening down under. For some reason I never stopped to think about the fact that pushing a baby through my vagina would mean a couple of weeks of recovery down there. Since…
Why I Ate My Placenta (And Why Moms to Be May Consider It)
I am sure that this title got your attention. There was a time when I didn’t want anyone to know about it – I even swore my husband to secrecy. I only share it here, now, in hopes of educating and helping others. How I Learned About Placenta Consumption When my midwife first told me…
Infertility and Natural Family Planning
Just about every day, at least one person messages our Facebook page to share her struggles with infertility and to seek help. For every infertility message that we get, we also have someone asking about natural contraceptives and family planning. Over and over again our fans recommend this book, “Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The…
Labor and Delivery – as Simple as Eating Dates
Maybe ‘simple’ isn’t the optimal word, but I bet you are considering going out and buying some date fruit if you are close to delivering right now! As delivery dates (no pun intended) near, many pregnant women search for things that they can do to bring their babies into the world peacefully, naturally and as…
Egg Yolk, The Perfect First Food for Baby
When I had my first born, like many new mothers, I was overwhelmed and though I purposefully thought twice about many things, what to feed my son as his first food was not one of them. I was duped into the train of thought that a grain cereal, like rice or oat was the way…
Protecting Children from the Chemicals Found in Car Seats
I wrote about this issue some time ago when came out with their 2011 list of car seat ratings based on the amount of dangerous chemicals that they contain – Link here Car Seat Dangers. Much of these chemicals, though not all, are used as flame retardants. As discussed by Ivy Sager-Rosenthal, campaign director…
The Placenta: As Unique as Each Individual
A Day in the Life of a Placenta Specialist A guest post by Doula and Placenta Specialist, Deborah Rotunno I was at home catching up on some much needed paperwork when a call came into our business line. A doula was just coming from a birth at a local hospital. Fresh in her hands, she…