When I had my daughter, I made sure that the hospital staff did not give her a bath. I had done my research and learned that the vernix offers so many benefits and protection to a newborn, thus, why the baby is born covered in it to begin with. The vernix needs time to be…
"You Want to Hire a What?"
The What’s and Why’s of a Doula via My Experience I fully believe that if it wasn’t for my birthing support team, which consisted of my midwife, doula, mom and husband, that I would not have had what was as close as could be to the birth that I wanted for my son. When I…
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: On Babies and Sleeping
Recently my husband and I were debating over sleeping arrangements and laughing about how my daughter is 16 months and hasn’t spent one night in the beautiful and kind of expensive, Italian crafted crib (thanks mom and dad) that we’ve had set up. Don’t get me wrong – the crib did get some use. We got it…
Natural Teething Remedies (& What Products to Avoid)
Part 1: The Dangers of Treating Teething with Medication When our children aren’t feeling so great, it is our natural instinct as parents to try and make them better. When it comes to teething remedies, some parents are under the belief that giving a child a little dose of Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen is okay. The…
Parents Buy Car Seats to Keep Their Children Safe, Yet Oftentimes Danger is Still There!
Well, here I am writing about car seats again! If you remember, I first discussed the topic back in October when I originally saw HealthyStuff.org’s car seat safety rankings, which is based on the presence of hazardous flame retardants and chemical additives. Since then, I have accessed the list for my own purposes as I…
Choosing the Safest Car Seat – There's More to it Than You Think!
When it came to buying car seats for our children, my husband and I wanted to make the best decision we could to ensure their safety. Like most parents, we looked at the safety ratings for the seats we were interested in, as well as the customer product reviews and the manufacturer’s comments. At the…
Pass the Peas Please – the spoonful on the right that is! Why I Make Most of My Own Baby Food
I like to know exactly what goes into my children’s bodies, which you have probably figured out by now from reading some of my other posts. I think this picture shows the reason why I make Lila’s food better than I can explain why I do it! These are peas. The spoonful on the left…