…And What Made One Husband Change His Mind About Vaccines
Many of us have been there. One parent/partner starts to question vaccines, or perhaps knows with every fiber of his/her being that vaccinating his/her children is not an option, and their partner isn’t on the same page. Sometimes it’s an endless uphill battle even after a decision is made. Sometimes the other parent comes around. Sometimes they just have to agree to disagree. This is a story of an acquaintance of mine, Kerri, who shares it to show just what finally made her husband actually thank her for not vaccinating their daughter.
***I am making this edit 20 hours after first posting this originally. I literally just got back from seeing Vaxxed (premiering around the US). There is NO way that a person can see this film and continue vaccinating. There is NO way that a doctor can see this film without questioning everything that he/she knows about vaccines. The pharmaceutical companies know this. That’s why it was pulled from the Tribeca Film Festival. They don’t want people to see this. Support it today by getting yourself and everyone that you know to NYC to see it there so that it will be picked up by other theaters and seen around the country. I actually got to meet, shake hands and talk to Andrew Wakefield and Del Bigtree. What amazing human beings who have dedicated themselves to helping others, especially the children of our world. The TRUTH will prevail. ~ Dawn
I want to share something personal with you guys. Some of you know that I have a more mainstream husband. My journey with vaccines and anything crunchy has been a struggle as I navigate the path seemingly alone.
We (those of us who are passionate about protecting our children and making the right decision) read things; we then dig deeper, we research, and then we have to bring this information to our significant other to explain it and to get them involved. We do this not only to get him/her to start to think about the issue, but also to come to a compromising solution as to how the kids will be raised in regards to vaccines. Really, what we are trying to do is to get our partner to see eye to eye with us because we would never be able to stomach the idea of injecting our children with a vaccine.
Many of you know the struggle I’m talking about here. Often times it’s a back and forth where you seem to make headway and then it’s two steps back. My husband’s family is very large and influential and extremely mainstream, the total opposite of mine and he’s shared our questions and decisions with them. So many times it’s me on one side and him sort of teetering back and forth in the middle of my ideas and those of his family, consisting of about 20 people. To say the sides are uneven is an understatement. The biggest concern that my husband’s family had was actually with what the school would say as far as our children attending not having had any vaccines. I proved this not to be a concern this year when I had my exemption approved.
As far as my husband goes, after many talks, arguments, and back and forth teetering, he came on board with my wishes. However, as much as he was ‘on board’ with not vaccinating, he didn’t buy into it. He didn’t share my passion, my drive, and my need for information. He made it my thing, which was better than him not listening to me at all, but not as good as him opening his heart and mind to the information that I was finding. Even after the decision to not vaccinate was made, it still caused rifts with us and at times I have gotten emotional and have said some nasty things. I may have even called him a mainstream to his face, out of sheer frustration over his inability to see it, his inability to connect the dots, to have an actual intelligent conversation about the issue, his lack of caring, etc.
So, when I learned that Vaxxed was being shown in NYC, it was imperative for me to have him come to see it with me. I went crazy figuring out a sitter so that he could come. It was so important to me that he see and hear all of the information that I knew the film would address.
So, we went. The feeling of the room was incredible. There was sobbing in the audience as the film played. The emotions of the people surrounding us were too much to ignore. He heard it as well. A person can’t help but be moved by that alone.
As my husband sat there, I saw how he took all of the information in. To say it cracked him is an understatement. He finally understands how it all works. He understands just how BIG big pharma is, he learned that there really is a ‘pharma maffia,’ that we are talking about trillions of dollars being made at the expense of the health and well-being of others (mainly children) and he sees that there is corruption from the highest levels. He finally understands how it is that doctors are recommending products that are harming kids. This is huge for him – to break the mold of the dogmatic thinking. He saw and heard about how doctors can be innocent, blindly playing a role in vaccine corruption.
The very first thing that my husband said to me as soon as the film ended was, “thank you for not vaccinating Kassidy.” He then gave me a kiss. I knew right then and there that something clicked in him. He changed. We have been able to have real conversations since seeing this movie last night. He’s able to see why I am so passionate about not vaccinating. He now has new opinions on the subject with intelligent comments to discuss. And while that in itself is enough for me, he has taken it a step further. He went to his mother’s house today and one of his sisters was there. This sister happens to be a pharmaceutical sales representative and he was able to have a real conversation with her and his parents about it, armed with factual information of why vaccines are so dangerous. He was able to inform them! Now his sister wants to see the movie. His family was more open minded than they have been in the past. He said he would buy them the DVD when it comes out and watch it with them.
I can’t say enough good things about the movie and this outcome alone. I know that I am sharing these words with people who already know this information and who already want to see the film, Vaxxed. I urge those of you with significant others who are on the fence, who are combative on the topic, or who simply don’t know anything about the dangers of vaccines to BRING THEM to see it. Make it a date night. Get there by any means possible. The breakthrough will be immeasurable. I promise.
~ Kerri
***In the recent days it’s been shown, the media has been trying to get people to NOT see it, it’s that powerful!
Ready for Vaxxed? The world needs to watch this film!
Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe Official Trailer from Cinema Libre Studio on Vimeo. This film is premiering in NYC right NOW (through April 14). Please go and see it as it NEEDS to do amazingly well here to be shown throughout the country!
Note from Dawn: I have been here too. My story isn’t exactly the same, but I can certainly relate. My husband respects my decision and has made it our decision. We have family members (a doctor even) who have thanked us for not vaccinating. We have one who strongly disagrees. No matter what anyone thinks, the decision is ours alone and, quite frankly, one that really doesn’t need to be shared beyond spouses. My husband and I happen to be from families who completely or mostly understands, which is why we talked about it a few times. We also wanted to educate. If you find yourself in a similar boat with a spouse, try to see Vaxxed with them. In addition, here are some resources to help.
First and Foremost: The Greater Good (another great documentary about vaccines)
And some great books:
Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Care Practitioners: Guide to Immunization Risks and Protection, Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents AND What Your Doctor May NOT Tell You About Children’s Vaccinations
© Raising Natural Kids 2011. All rights reserved. Text and images are not to be reproduced or replicated without my written consent. Contact me at [email protected].
**I serve as an affiliate for Amazon, and link any products I use in my own home and with my family to Amazon when applicable. Any monies earned help me to run and maintain this blog.
Kate says
Im so happy I just came across your blog, I just watched Vaxxed today! Oh my lord I can’t even put into words how angry it made me-like how can we continue to do this?! (And don’t even get me started on Monsanto!) I am worried in the future that my bf won’t see things the same way I do. And he can sometimes be arrogant about his opinions-like he’s always right and other people are stupid. I’m hoping we can watch some of these health documentaries together and he’ll AT LEAST be more open minded. I’m happy your husband finally understood your point of view after watching. Ah I can’t wait to read more of you blog!
Dawn Lorenz says
so glad you found us!!! good luck on your journey. Start slow and a little at a time – try to get it to be HIS idea if you can 🙂
Merie says
Is there any way I could get my hands on a copy of this film. My dad is on the fence and also is my husband. They are not people that would go to the cinema. I want to show them this so badly so they can understand why I am the way I am regarding vaccines
Dawn Lorenz says
no, not as of yet – it is touring the country in theaters – get them to go with you! Sign up for e mails on their website to find out where they are. They are adding more and more theaters each day. http://vaxxedthemovie.com/in-theatres/
Desiree V. says
This post made me cry because it indicates to me that this evil secret is officially being exposed. My husband has always been on board about not vaccinating. My heart goes out to those that have a unintuitive partner. This sick game has FINALLY changed !! Victory To The Light!! May the families and children harmed through these crimes heal with ease, and divine assistance- and, so it is.
Laura says
I do not think our spouses are unintuitive. I think they are afraid we are wrong and their children will die. I do not demonize my spouse but I do stand firm in not vaxxing anymore. Since we stopped after our 2nd, the only child of the next six to ever get an ear infection was her one dose of HIB at 9 months. The rest are vaccine free, never had a sick visit, strep or any major infection. Even hubby noticed how mich healthier they are…And I just reminded him the difference was no vaccine or “well checks”. Oh except we moved to well water so no flourise or chlorinated water.
Jessica Coco says
My boyfriend would not listen to me about vaccines and got a Hep. B vaccine that nearly killed him. He was getting abnormal tests in his pancreas; wrongly thought to be cancer. Lost 80 lbs, fainting spells, severe pain & memory issues. To this day he has anger management & memory issues. I’m so glad your husband and you never vaccinated your daughter.
Lynn Robinson says
I live in a small town in New Hampshire- so I doubt it will be playing anywhere near me. But I intend on buying the move as soon as it becomes available. Actually, I will be buying a couple of copies. My daughters have not vaccinated either of my grandson’s and their significant others have gone along (for now) but they are getting pressured. None of them have done any research- my daughters have gone with my stance because they know how much time I spend researching all things health related and they value my opinion; but they do not know in their hearts like I do. I want them to know it in their hearts. This would be the perfect thing to show them & the other families. Please make the DVD available as soon as possible. Thank you for having the guts to touch this issue!!
linda spiker says
Wow. I am so glad you and your husband were able to have a meeting of the minds. Not everyone is so lucky!
Melissa @ My Darla Clementine says
This was a really great read. It was encouraging (and relatable) to read about your struggle. Thankfully my husband has semi-passionately come on board, but your post made me remember the “beginning” of my vax research journey when he thought I had lost it 🙂 We are in California – wish I could see the film! Hope it makes it here!!
Dawn Lorenz says
It is coming there this month – I think maybe the 15th in LA?
Adams says
I live in California, and I personally don’t trust the over vaccination of our nations’ children. With little knowledge of vaccines my wife and I agreed to give our first son the “bare minimum” of vaccines schools require. My son is an amazing kid, yet I notice a few behaviors that stand out as behaviors I’ve seen from autistic children. My wife has turned a blind eye to the possibility that our son has exhibited such behaviors, even though she’s worked with medium-severely autistic children for close to 3 years.
4 days ago, our second son was born and I’m much more informed on vaccine dangers and I’m absolutely against vaccinating our newborn. My wife won’t look beyond the FDA and CDC websites for information and had me stop Vaxxed 6 minutes in, stating it was too much for her right now. We’re supposed to watch the rest tomorrow so I’m hopeful there’s a chance for common ground. Otherwise I feel like it’s me on one side and my wife and her large family on the other side. I feel so alone in this family researching health effects to vaccines, fluoride, EMFs, etc. I would love to move to another state that wasn’t so clearly corrupted. My main concern is finding schooling for a child without vaccinations and am I going to have to divorce my wife if we continue to have such separation on major life decisions and life views. Any advice would be appreciated.
Dawn Lorenz says
WOW. I pray that she lets Vaxxed sink in and learns from it! Glad you have researched well!
Emily @ Recipes to Nourish says
That is so awesome that you got to go see it! I can’t wait for it to be everywhere. The trailer is amazing. Everyone needs to see this film! Thank you so much for sharing your story.
Sarah @ Politically Incorrect Health says
Thank you so much for sharing your experience! I have to say this is encouraging for me to hear. My husband and I do not have children yet, but we have had conversations about vaccinating our future children. We have definitely gotten into arguments over it, so I am encouraged that your husband turned around. I wonder if I can convince him to see this in the future?
Tash says
This is such a loaded topic for so many! I’ll be sure to check out this film for more information because I’m in the same boat (though we don’t have kids yet). Thank you for sharing!
Glen Riley says
Good. Most people couldn’t even tell you the history of something they claim has years and years of research into it. The lies that are perpetrated in terms of vaccination are staggering. The concept of treating diseases by imparting diseases into the body is as ridiculous as draining the body of blood using leeches. Not only people but animals are abused by this ridiculous treatment when it is quite obvious that what really builds strength is your nutrition and lifestyle habits. Anyone looking for more information into real health and alternatives to the conventional treatment methods should look into Dr. John Tilden & Dr. Herbert Shelton.
sara-lea small says
It is wonderful to hear positive input like this. There are just too too many families that have been impacted by what I consider to be crimes against humanity.
May more and more people come forward. Even those who are afraid to lose their jobs.
Prudence Dagg says
The only issue with not sharing–while I respect the need to protect personal family safety–is that we cannot tell people about the corruption in the world, usually, without letting on at some point that we do things differently.
How many parents of dead children say “No one ever told me this could happen”?