Yesterday, I took my two oldest children to their well visit. As part of the exam, the pediatrician has them each pee in a cup to test for diabetes, urethritis and kidney health. After reading the stick from Lila’s urine, the pediatrician comes back and asks me if I have Lila drinking alkaline water, to which I reply…
Crib Mattresses and Your Baby: What You Need to Know Now
One of the first purchases you’ll make for your infant is that of a mattress. Though you may choose to co-sleep (we did), eventually you’ll make the switch to a toddler bed. Let’s break it down (Why You Need to Do Your Mattress Research) The traditional mattress is covered with chemical flame retardants. Flame retardants…
Toxin Free, Eco-Friendly Lunch Box Options
If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you know that any kind of plastic that comes into contact with food or drink is no good. When it comes down to it, plastic is made from harmful chemicals that have been linked to cancers and hormone disruption. Just because a plastic is BPA free…
It's Unacceptable, and Here's Why!
“Over 80,000 chemicals flow through our system of commerce, and many are going straight into our bodies. Even our unborn children are affected. Due to this constant exposure, we have approximately 200 synthetic industrial chemicals interacting with our cells every single day. Until recently, modern science really didn’t understand what that could mean for all…
Your Mattress Matters
Know What You Are Sleeping On You spend many of your waking hours each day making sure that you keep your family safe from harmful chemicals in your immediate environment, be it in cleaning products, on food, or in the air that you breathe. Yet, many people never stop to think about the ones that…
Wallet Friendly Tips for Raising a 'Natural' Family
Many people have been asking for some advice about affording organic foods and natural products while on a tight budget. When it comes to my family, we often ‘skimp’ in some areas so that we can afford to widen our food budget a bit, since I believe that this is the most important key to…
Green Toys, Safe Toys and Toys Made Close to Home
(The Truth About What’s in our Children’s Toys & How to Avoid the Dangers) *2017 edit – The 2017 Trouble in Toyland Report ***LATEST INFO – The 2013 Trouble in Toyland Report, an annual U.S. Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) survey of toy safety, is out. Among a load of other findings, according to USA Today, “Among…
Full Circle
(Why I Go Organic!) When you’re ten, anything you do that’s different from your peers can, at times, seem so catastrophically embarrassing that you would do anything to change it in order to fit in. At that age, my mortification stemmed from the fact that my mom wouldn’t let me buy the school lunch. She…