Author’s Note:
The most important message I want to relay about getting your children vaccinated: Do your research before deciding that you are going to vaccinate! Every parent wants what is best for his/her children, so doesn’t it make sense to take the time to actually get some background information and facts about vaccines before injecting them into a newborn baby? In my eyes we owe it to our children to look into anything they are exposed to, whether ingested, inhaled or injected, as children are dependent on parents to make the educated choices for them when they cannot do it themselves. If after having thoroughly researched both sides of the pros and cons of vaccinations and you decided to move forward with vaccinating your children, then that is a decision you are making based on knowledge, rather than blindly going into vaccinating just because it is what the government, and thus, the American Medical Association say (yes, I realize these are two major giants that people want to trust no matter what, but they are made up of individuals who don’t always have the good of the people in mind (or they are blinded to the truth as hidden by the CDC), as you will come to see in your research if you dig deep enough).
Being that I am not a medical expert, but a mother who does a lot of research to make sure I do the best for my kids, I will direct you to valuable links, books, documentaries and information about vaccinations, along with providing you with some of what I have learned along the way.
Interesting Facts
If you are just delving into your research, it is important to note there is a reason that the United States government actually has a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, where they will “award” a set dollar amount in certain circumstances if a person is injured or dies due to a vaccine. This program protects the pharmaceutical companies in that a person cannot sue the companies that make the vaccinations (the money paid out comes from the taxpayers’ pockets)! This isn’t the case in other countries. For instance, in February 2014, five French families joined forces to take GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer and Sanofi to court after their children were severely injured due to vaccines.
As of June 1, 2019, over 4 billion dollars has been paid out to vaccine injured people and to families in the United States who had a child die of a vaccine-related death ($4,149,443,361.57 to be exact). That 4 billion dollars only accounts for a very small handful of families who are actually able to take their cases into court AND the vaccine companies are not responsible to pay for one cent from that – you are.
What’s More: In March of 2011, The US Supreme Court ruled that you can NOT sue drug companies over faulty manufacturing practices because vaccines are “UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE.” How to you feel about injecting your children with UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE drug products?
Four Great Articles on the topic of vaccines – eyeopening: MUST READ FOR THOSE ON THE FENCE ABOUT VACCINES
The Only Vaccine Guide a New Parent Will Ever Need – this article, by JN Handley, has been taken down. I am looking into what happened.
Six Reasons to Say No to Vaccination – It has been brought to my attention that this article, by the Healthy Home Economist no longer exists. I am reaching out to her to find out why.
Vaccine Contradictions: Six People Who Should Not Be Vaccinated
The Role Insurance Companies Play and The Kickbacks Doctors Get for Vaccinating Your Kids
And three Great Documentaries to Start With: THE GREATER GOOD – This 2011 film looks behind the fear, hype and politics that have polarized the vaccine debate in America today. By re-framing the emotionally charged issue, The GREATER GOOD offers, for the first time, the opportunity for a rational and reasonable discussion on how to create a safer and more effective vaccine program. Includes interviews with doctors, parents, researchers and people in the vaccine industry.
Trace Amounts – “From the Mad Hatter Syndrome in the late 1800’s, to Pink Disease in the first half of the 20th to the Iraqi Grain Incident in the early 1970’s, humans have learned time and again of the debilitating neurological and physical damage that mercury can cause. Then why and how did it end up in our childhood vaccines? Trace Amounts explores the origin of the use of mercury in the vaccines and exposes the continued greed based decision to keep mercury in the vaccines through several decades. Trace Amounts is the result of nearly a decade of research and travel, in which top scientists, government officials, parents of children with Autism, and the average Joe unravel the truths, secrets, and tragedies, of the skyrocketing Autism rates.”
Vaxxed – Amazingly well done with factual evidence to the CDC coverups and falsifying of data. This is playing in theaters around the United States right now. Here’s the Official Website: and here’s the Vaxxed e-mail subscription sign-up form (if you want the film to be shown near you, this will let them see just where you are, and thus where the demand for the film is. Here’s how Vaxxed has impacted others: One Family’s Story of Vaccine Injury and Autism
Need a medical expert to tell you more? Here are some people to follow: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, Dr. Joseph Mercola
Package Inserts from All Vaccines: Know exactly what is in each vaccine and its side effects.
Living Whole has great articles about vaccines.
Three great books to help you with your decisions about vaccines can be found here: Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Care Practitioners: Guide to Immunization Risks and Protection, Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents AND What Your Doctor May NOT Tell You About Children’s Vaccinations
Scary Facts versus the Scare Tactics Used by State Health Departments
While watching television a few nights ago, I saw the latest ad from the NYS Health Department – aiming to instill fear through tugging at heartstrings; the ad basically tells parents that if they don’t vaccinate their children, one may die from a life-threatening disease. I thought that since the ‘anti vaxxers’ cannot get their message out on the air (due sometimes to cost constraints, but mainly because the big pharma giants make sure no one will air them), that I would briefly discuss the other side of the coin. PLEASE NOTE: I am not trying to dictate that people should not vaccinate their children; I am advocating for people to educate themselves before making a decision for their child who cannot make the decision for him/herself.
When we were young (I’m 42), there were 7 recommended vaccinations. Our children are expected to get over 60. The pharmaceutical industry has 200 new vaccines in development and intends to make them mandatory. 200!!! This makes a person question whether these vaccines are really for the good of our children and the population as opposed to making money for pharmaceutical companies.
Here are some of the staggering statistics that make me think twice (unless otherwise noted, all stats come from the book Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners by Neil Miller):
1. Pertussis (DTP vaccine): In the recent outbreak in Suffolk County NY (2011), all 179 cases had been previously vaccinated for the disease. Also, before 2008, there were 3 outbreaks in the last 19 years. In 1993 there was an outbreak in Ohio, where 82% of the cases occurred in people who had already received the vaccine. In 1996 there was an outbreak in Vermont, where 74% of the cases occurred in people who had already received the vaccine. In 2003 there was an outbreak in Cyprus, where 79% of the cases occurred in people who had already received the vaccine. So, how well is this vaccine actually working AND then take into consideration the damage the actual vaccine is doing. For instance, “70% of children who have died of SIDS received the pertussis vaccine within 3 weeks before death.” Within this 3 week time period after receiving the vaccine, children’s breathing patterns became stress induced, wreaking havoc on their respiratory systems, suggesting that some of these cases labeled as SIDS have a known cause, vaccination side effects. (Miller 120 and 121).
2. Flu vaccine: It was in the later half of 2002 that the CDC began advocating that all children receive the influenza vaccine. In 1999, 25 children died of influenza in the U.S. In 2000, 19 children died of the virus. In 2001, 13 children died of the virus, in 2002, 12 children died of the virus. Yet, in 2003, during the push to get all children the vaccine, 90 children died of the virus (a sevenfold increase). Several conclusions can be drawn here, such as the strain used in the vaccine may cause the person receiving the vaccine to contract the virus AND that the virus in the vaccine is more dangerous (Miller 97).
Also, according to the Flulaval package insert: (
1. All studies done regarding the safety of the vaccine were done on people ages 18 – 64. No one younger was involved in the studies (good they weren’t lab rats, but bad that this vaccine is given without knowing how it will affect children) (6.1)!
2. There is no proof it works! “This indication is based on immune response elicited by FLULAVAL, and there have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL.” and “Vaccination with FLULAVAL may not protect all susceptible individuals.” (5.5)
3.PREGNANT AND NURSING WOMEN: Safety and effectiveness of FLULAVAL have not been established in pregnant women, nursing mothers, or children. (8.1, 8.3, 8.4)• It is urged that women who receive FLULAVAL while pregnant register themselves in the pregnancy registry by calling 1-888-452-9622 “FLULAVAL should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.” (so since they cannot ethically test this product on pregnant women, they are asking that you voluntarily be a lab rat yourself!)
4.”As with any vaccine, there is the possibility that broad use of FLULAVAL could reveal adverse events not observed in clinical trials.”
3. Mumps (MMR vaccine): “In 2006 there was a large outbreak of the mumps in the United States. 92% of these cases were in people who were previously vaccinated against the disease” (Miller 167). Enough said.
4. Hepatitis B: I think the scariest thing about this is that it is given to newborns just days old! The last thing a newborn needs while adjusting to life outside of the womb is to have toxins injected into his/her body. This is not what life is all about. In case you don’t know, you can ask that your child not receive this in the hospital, telling the nursing staff that you’ll have your pediatrician administer the vaccine at the office. Looking at the stats, “between July of 1990 and October of 1998, there were 24,775 government documented adverse reactions to the Hep B vaccine in all age groups. 9,673 of these were “serious,” leading to hospitalization, life-threatening health problems, or disabilities; 439 people died” (Miller 281).
5. Pneumococcal Disease (Prevnar): “Dr. Barthelow Classen, an immunologist at Classen Immunotherapies, testified before the Drug and Food administration that this vaccine could cause a major epidemic of diabetes, calculating that this vaccine will cause 28,000 cases of insulin-dependent diabetes every year in the United States alone. On a side note, there are 90 strains of this disease and the vaccine is designed to protect against only 7 of them (Miller 326).
Read up on the facts. Look into the websites and books I recommend on the vaccine page. Study each disease and look at the total deaths from the actual disease versus deaths and complications from the actual vaccine. Two great resources to get information from are Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Lawrence Palevsky. They can both be found on Facebook.
Forms: Vaccine Refusal Form (In lieu of what your doctor asks you to sign). Why? Some of their forms actually accuse you of neglect!
What about SCHOOL you ask? 48 states have exemptions! Exemption Letters – What to Know
Links to Articles by Topic
81 Studies Linking Autism to Vaccines
Cancer Increase linked to vaccines in British Study:
Charts Comparing Dead Babies to Vaccine Timeline:
Exemption Information by State:
Fatal Polio Shots:
FDA Warns to Stop Pushing Needle Free Flu Vaccine:
FluLaval Package Insert:
Harvard Trained Immunologist Demolishes CA Legislation
Medical Journals linking Vaccines to Autism:
Medical Journals Discussing Vaccines:
Melanie’s Marvelous Measles (A Children’s Book):
Murdoch Scandal:
One Parent’s Story about Losing Her Child to Vaccines:
Six Times More Measles Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reports than Measles Cases in 2011:
Six Reasons to Say No to Vaccinations:
Social Marketing as a Means to Increase Immunization Rates:
Stories of Vaccine Injuries Shared by Parents:
Testimony to Congress about Vaccine Dangers:
Vaccinated Children have more than Twice the Diseases and Disorders than Unvaccinated Children:
Vaccine Risks (includes info on how to recognize vaccine reactions):
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) – Here you can look up injuries to individual vaccines that have been reported:
Vaccines ARE NOT Linked to Eradicating Disease: Small Pox:, Polio:
Whooping Cough Outbreak – Vaccinated or Not, We’re all in the Same Boat, Or Are We?
Whooping Cough Breakouts – not because of more unvaxxed kids:
Links to Forums, Activists and Professionals Against Vaccines
Online Resource for Natural Health Information and Childhood Shots – In-depth Info about each shot, along with an abundance of related topics as presented by Mary Tocco.
Think Twice – Global Vaccine Institute – provides studies, articles and personal stories. (one of the easier ones to navigate)
Vaccine Injury Info – a critical overview of vaccine side effect. (also one of the easier ones to navigate)
National Vaccine Information Center –
Great Mothers Questioning Vaccines:
Coalition for Informed Choice – Get in touch with Gary Krasner for info about vaccines and exemptions – he is very knowledgeable about the laws in New York.
Vaccination Information Network (VINE) –
Inside Vaccines:
Valuable Books and Documentaries
This book examines each disease and vaccine closely, using well researched data and testimonies.
The Greater Good – A great documentary looking at both sides of the vaccine controversy. VERY informative!
Are Vaccines Safe? by Mary Tocco
In Vaccine Nation, Gary Null, Ph.D., reveals why we should question the safety and efficacy of vaccines. GREAT DVD
“In “Shoot ‘Em Up,” Judy Apicella speaks with the experts as they reveal the damage we unknowingly do to our children. Learn about mercury, formaldehyde and aluminum that some vaccines contain and the autism, asthma and neurological damage they could contribute to. Could one of the reasons be that most of the individuals who make the decisions about the vaccines kids receive have a financial stake in the drug companies that hold the patents? This reasoned yet brilliant expose is one that the pharmaceutical community hopes you won’t see, but is must viewing for all. Easily one of the most important documentaries you will ever see.” (Editorial Review on Amazon)