Kids need chiropractic. Think this is crazy? You’re not alone, but that also means that you, like many people, are under the impression that chiropractic adjustments are only for adults with back pain. Though it certainly helps people with back conditions, chiropractic is so much more. As a matter of fact, 30 years ago, it…
Asthma: The Solution Is In The Function
A guest post by Dr. Jason Tabick, Chiropractor If you read my previous article, Healthy Ears Start with A Healthy Nervous System, you know that the human body maintains its own health from the “inside.” As previously explained, the central nerve system is the master system that controls the body and through its command the body listens…
Healthy Ears Start with A Healthy Nervous System
This article is written by by Dr. Jason Tabick, D.C. of New York Specific Chiropractic, P.C. Though pediatricians have been urged to not treat ear infections with medicine right away, this type of infection continues to be the most common reason medical practitioners prescribe antibiotics for children. Unfortunately, it is proven that the infecting agent…
The Ins and Outs of Chiropractic for the Whole Family
Growing up I suffered from pretty severe allergies and asthma attacks. My parents took me to pediatricians and allergists, gave me medicine, took me to receive biweekly allergy shots and often found themselves brining me to the hospital for treatments when my asthma attacks got bad. Thanks to my mom, my suffering came to a…