One Family’s Story of Vaccine Injury and Autism
This has been brewing for awhile and I’m mustering all my courage to share our story. Everybody handles things differently. I am a person that needs to research things from every angle to be sure that my own biases don’t play into decisions I make. When my husband and I found out that we were expecting we were first and foremost shocked. The moment the shock dissipated,we were over the bloody moon. It was his first time being a father and this baby made me a mother of three. I couldn’t wait to share in the ups and downs of parenthood with him. After nine months of growing in my womb, our daughter was born. She was perfect.
Skip ahead a bit to our decision regarding whether to vaccinate. (This was four years ago to give context). Things were very black and white ~ pro or anti ~ and parents were left to try and leaf through as best they could, with the information that was out there. To be honest, it was autism and its steady rise as compared to when I had my other two kids (10 and 14 years prior), that scared the piss out of me. So, we decided to delay vaccination until she was a year old. We wanted her to build up her own immune system a bit before stimulating it with the vaccines. She was meeting her milestones; she was walking, she was laughing, she was communicating her needs, she was saying, mom, dad, hi, bye, cat, car, ball … you get the idea. Around the time she turned one, whooping cough was going around and as any parent would be, we were worried. We decided it was time to get her vaccinated.
After the first set of needles, she lost her words. Even mom and dad. After the second set, of which she received some “catch up” extras, she awoke in the night with a raging fever and from then on she was hard to reach and she developed severe apraxia ~ she was talking but in her own garbled language. Things continued getting worse with melt downs, self harming ~ she would bang her head against the wall/door/us. We would be stand next to her, almost screaming her name, and she wouldn’t even look at us. She went from a lively, engaged baby to a girl lost in her own world more often than not.
It took me awhile to admit it to myself, to ourselves. We started researching not because we wanted to PROVE that vaccines caused autism but because we wanted to disprove it. What parent would feel good about being the one that did this to his/her child?
Now in 2016, four years after my daughter received those vaccines that changed her, the truth is coming out about the FRAUD in the Center for Disease Control ~ they lied to us. They lied for YEARS. They lied to us about the results of the research that they did in regards to vaccines causing autism. They lied to the doctors giving the vaccines. They lied to the government. They lied to the world. Their research actually showed a very STRONG connection to vaccines and autism and they (4 of the 5 scientists on this research team) chose to hide it, to burn it, and to destroy it. It would have stayed hidden if it wasn’t for the senior scientist, Dr. William Thomson, coming forward, with his documentation and meeting notes, because he just couldn’t live with himself anymore. ***These documents are currently in Congressman Bill Posey’s office where you can request a copy (321) 632-1776. You can also demand that all of congress get a hold of these documents (more about that below). ***
And now I’m pissed. I’m angry at all of the people who have ever questioned my experience with my own child and how she reacted to a immunization that was supposed to protect her. I’m pissed at the way that money controls EVERYTHING, children and humanity be damned. I’m pissed that just because I chose to say anything about this I run the risk of having someone calling me an anti-vaxxer, tree hugging, bullshit propagator and that I need to accept and not cast blame or try to fix my little girl. Because that’s what they would like us to do ~ to just stay silent. I’m pissed that I was made to feel crazy, along side that ‘crazy’ Dr. Wakefield, when I told every doctor about what happened post vaccination to our daughter. Yes, I know they were following the current protocol, but when a doctor would rather brush off all you KNOW about your own child and NOT look at the facts of what happened, it creates a hurt and a betrayal.
I can’t in good conscience stay silent one moment longer. The way that vaccines are made and tested (or not) needs to be fixed. Why do some children react and others don’t? Why is that vaccines are the ONLY one size fits all medication in dosing? Some kids are allergic to penicillin, would we still give them a shot of it knowing they couldn’t handle it? Why hasn’t there been a study done comparing vaccinated versus unvaccinated children and the rates of autism within each set? There is mercury in our vaccines, in our light bulbs, in our food supply, along with other known neurotoxins. Did you know that since the pharmaceutical companies became free of the worry of being sued in 1986 the schedule of vaccinations has dramatically increased. Imagine that … they CANNOT be sued (there has been money awarded to parents of vaccine injured children in the tune of billions but that comes from your pocket – you, the taxpayer!). Of course, this action came to be because of the amount of vaccine injuries occurring. Did you also know that when the CDC or the pharmaceutical companies do a study on a particular drug, they only have to publish two papers? The other 18 or so that didn’t pan out can just go by the wayside. THIS is how unsafe vaccines are able to be peddled into our children without question. ALL results need to be publish. How else will we know if they are manipulating data? Because apparently it happens – A LOT.
There was a time that Thalidomide was considered safe. Asbestos too. Cigarettes didn’t cause cancer, as we were told years ago. Who needs to wash their hands before surgery? The world is flat. When we stop questioning and only follow what we are told to do, blindly putting our trust in the hands of governments and corporations that are trying to mandate what we do with our own selves and our children’s bodies, we have lost the inherent freedom that we are born with. Give me safe vaccines, ones that will not cause harm to one child.
Our daughter has come such a long way because of everything we are doing to help her, through diet, love, and therapy. She is going to shine in this world, you mark my words. And yes, I will continue to do everything in my power to help her heal and in no way does this mean that I don’t accept her in every way. I am using my anger as fuel in helping her to recover.
There is now a movement happening. Parents are no longer staying silent. Documentaries are being made by people that are modern day warriors. Thank you Del Bigtree, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Polly Tommey and anyone involved in the production of the movie Vaxxed ~ you have given me the courage to stand beside the other parents who are just like me and want to protect our children and our children’s children. If you are a parent and my story resonates with you, please feel free to comment. Some days you can feel alone and for the first time in a long time, I feel like I’m not anymore.
~ Genny
I happened upon this story by chance, though not coincidence. It’s a familiar story in my world, where many parents come to me with their own stories. This one struck me. I had to help share it. Written by Genny, it tells the story of her daughter and her decent into autism. ~ Dawn (story edited by us here at Raising Natural Kids)
If you want to help the truth to be recognized by the United States Government, you can start by calling your local congressmen, asking that they request a copy of the documentation from Congressman Posey’s office to view for themselves, asking them to stand up and demand a congressional hearing of the information.
If you are new to the concept of the dangers of vaccines, here’s a place to start.
You can throw out any statistical scientific data at me but that wont change these three things: 1. the same people conducting the studies are the ones making the drugs being studied (or have a vested interest) 2. it has been proven that many of these studies have been fabricated 2. You CANNOT ignore the hundreds of thousands of parents who know for certain that their children were completely up to par or exceeding age appropriate milestones and then, right after receiving a vaccine, lost the ability to walk, talk, communicate, etc. because their stories and their voices count. #HearThisWell
Ready for Vaxxed? The world needs to watch this film!
© Raising Natural Kids 2011. All rights reserved. Text and images are not to be reproduced or replicated without my written consent. Contact me at [email protected].
I have not been able to get Dr. Thomson’s documentation and notes as referred to above, maybe because I am not a resident of Florida? I would like those as a resource. I am a holistic wellness and nutrition coach and mother of 3 grown children, all un-vaccinated.
Did you try calling his office?
I received a flu vaccine (and I believe I got a few others at the time) a few years ago. Right after, I got two strains of influenza right after one another… This triggered an episode. I had kidney failure and I was in a medically induced coma for awhile. My health has never been the same after that. I’m constantly sick and I have no strength. Next summer I was diagnosed with a rare disease, atypical hemolayic uremic syndrome. I’m not really sure if there’s a correlation, but my mom refuses to get me another flu vaccination. These stories are really concerning. My whole life I’ve heard that vaccines are good and to help you.. That people who say it causes autism is just a joke….. But why would anyone lie about their kid getting autism? …
Aye, I’m a new mother, and thankfully caught on to the truth about vaccines during my pregnancy when they kept trying to push whooping cough and flu vaccines on me and as I researched it, I opened the can of worms, no the pandora’s box. It was like going down the rabbit hole as the reality I knew turned out to be a media propaganda agenda, paid for by Big Pharma. Thank god, my husband listened to me and our 8 month old hasn’t seen a vaccine. The pediatrician urged me to read Paul Offit’s work to reassure myself. Instead, I somehow found information on Paul Offit’s multimillion dollar ties to Big Pharma… if my husband hadn’t been on board with me, it would have been even harder than it was for me to make the decision to go against what we are told is right, and choose to do as I believed best for our family. When I hear of all the injured babies, I hurt for them and for you parents. I can’t imagine the pain of this. I know my friends would think I’m crazy so I don’t tell them we’re not subjecting our baby to vaccines. It’s sad that people don’t know the truth… but not long ago, I too didn’t know… wishing health to your families, and recovery too. Dr. Wakefield deserves a Nobel prize for his work.
Preach it!!! I completely agree! When I saw the film and heard more I realized I couldn’t be quiet anymore. WE are not alone!!!
Scream it loud and clear Genny. Don’t stop. Never stop. As an RN, extremely lucky mother of four, I’m with you all the way. A crime is being committed against our children. We must fight like lions to protect them and expose the truth of greedy evil people.
I will never understand why USA wants our children to be autistic. Denial is good economically for global warming, but not for autism increase. We know what is happening ,. Why do we want this? How is this benefiting the rich?
To answer this question, “how does this benefit the rich?” one of the answers, (and the scariest answer of all) is that they (some super rich elites) wish to reduce the population of the world, as they believe there are Far too many people. They would rather have most of the world to themselves.
If this may seem far too incredible to believe, think of this.. Hitler was able to do what he did because, as he said, if you are doing something too incredible to believe, people Won’t believe it.
For the pharmaceutical companies, of course there is the big money incentive….they get very rich, as they are creating life long customers.
Who knows. I can’t figure it out but they’re definitely trying to dumb us down. Unless it’s simply that they were so greedy they began this pushing of vaccines, and then it got too out of hand, the damage too great, to ever come clean? Notice they have not refuted the claims of Vaxxed? They’re silent, months into the running, hoping it will go away and using the media as their defenders and Zika as a smokescreen…
This is our story too. Exactly our story. It’s the one size fits all that I find the most problematic.. And giving soooo many at one time is so dangerous in little bodies. I’ve been told by ALL doctors that we’ve seen ” don’t be silly, vaccines don’t cause autism. It’s just ironic that the regression shows up at the same time. Parents who have watched their child disappear over night after their vaccines NEED to speak up! I’m really proud of you taking the leap to speak about it so publicly.
Beautifully written! Thank you for your raw honesty. I love all the comments below as well. The tides are shifting, the truth is making its way clear. You are in my prayers!
I am really sorry about your experience. In my opinion, any man made things are not perfect. I have three kids who have got all the vaccination and they are doing great. Every person’s reaction to any medicine is unique. I may consider your experience as a unique experience. But it is not fare to leave kids vulnerable to a decease if there is a vaccine. We have seen the effects of polio, malaria or Meningitis. And I cannot leave my kids vulnerable as long as I have access to the vaccine. As I am a mom in the third world, I have seen many parents suffering with affected kids. Ofcourse, autism is also there, I am not sure if the vaccine is the reason. Even with that probability it is better to take the risk.
God bless <3 and I pray that your children will continue to be healthy and thriving; that's all anyone wants for their children.
The vaccines need to be Much more safe…….they are not even required to be tested properly……and, many of the tests that do come out are false.
You are very lucky your kids were not affected with Autism. But, remember, MANY other neurological conditions (such as hyperactivity) can also be the result of vaccinations, and some may not show up till later in life.
It is in Everyone’s best interest to make sure Any vaccine used is actually Safe.
Thank you for sharing. I am not sure where you are located but I might have some info of someone who might be able to help in NH.
Best Journalist ever, he has written several books, but this blog I thought nailed it for the Drs. that give these vaccines knowing the harm.
Thank you for sharing your story. It’s very hard as a mother of a 3 year old to keep it together after reading this. I saw parts of vaxxed before it came out, I’ve been grieving for parents like you every day since. Deep grief and my son is ok. I feel guilty even saying that. Just the other day I came across his vaccines record. 15 f’ing vaccinces from birth to 24 months. I almost threw up at the thought of those repeated jabs- I dropped to my knees and thanked God. The most frustrating part has been my repeated warnings, shares of stories, links to the proof, on and on and on, I tagged all of my friends who had babies, who are pregnant and those who were grandmothers or about to be one….crickets… I was sure everyone was going to freak out and join me in protesting. Nothing. Yet I post a video of step daughters soccer goal and the whole world responds. Pathetic. I can’t even imagine the hell you and all these other families have been through with NOBODY listening, being told you’re wrong, spoken down to like you couldn’t possibly know. I scream at God for keeping this happen, I plea with him to make it stop. It’s hard to make sense of it. If I were him. Would wipe us out and start the human race all over again with good people.
Don’t blame God….he did a good job. We are Mostly all Good people at heart. It only takes a few very evil ones to cause a lot of harm……those are the ones we need to stop.
Oooh I agree! This is the biggest medical scandal in history, and crimes against humanity in our midst and none of my friends will touch the issue! You can post on facebook, and exactly as you said, CRICKETS! But post a pic of your baby – or heck, you cat or dog – and a million likes and comments!
I too have two children harmed by vaccines and I have written a book called “What if? I harmed my children” which is available on Amazon. It is our story and it shows the other side, what it is like to live with these challenges, but it starts from the beginning where I gave vaccines to perfectly healthy children, what I saw happen, what I have done to help our children, what society has said. It also is referenced with the science that backs up what I know, that vaccines harmed them. It is a positive story and it is meant to inspire and to let people know how very important it is to make informed health care choices.
It is time for us to speak up for ourselves and for others x Kelly CS Johnson
I am so sorry this happened to you and your baby! Thank you for telling your story and getting the word out there even more! I hope that we can begin to change this narrative. There is so much money pulling the strings of pharma and the CDC, it’s just plain wrong. How do these people sleep at night? I have no doubt that your daughter has a purpose to shine in this world too! 🙂
Your story touched me and it’s not too far from my own. I am interested in what specifically you are doing to help your daughter? God bless.
I feel you mama and it’s responses like yours that made me do it. I was shaking in m boots to be honest but I had to tell it. What we are doing is this. She was already dairy free we added corn, soy, and gluten (and that was the BIG one) to the list. The whole family has gone gluten free as well. If she comes into contact with gluten we lose her again for four days so we just steer right clear of it. Bubbles and playdoh are a no go too if you go this route. On top of that she is on a daily regime of probiotics and omega oils ~ flax and coconut are just two we use. She went from self harm, not sleeping through the night, to one word, very limited vocab to the opposite of all that. She is now speaking in sentences (still some work needed on catch up) but she is blowing our minds!! She is also receiving daily ABA for three hours a day. Not to mention we work our arses off here with her. She eats lot’s of avocados (detox), almond butter, rice cakes, smoothies (we put the oils in them), coconut yogurt (probiotics get put in there), and fresh fruit and carrots (only veg she’ll eat). It takes time but for us … it was worth it. I know have my little girl touch my cheek when I am lost in my own wold and say “hello mommy” … Priceless. There is hope to help them detox from those heavy metals. Best to you mama bear!! Genny
Wow, so good how you are handling this!
Dr Andrew Wakefield talks in depth on how it involves the gut. Though the injection damage is done, the key seems to be in diet in helping your childs gut. Dr Andrew Wakefield is a true hero, and warrior, and has been vindicated for all the wrong the “Pharma” murderers have done to him. You can find on youtube more interviews with Dr Wakefield if this one doesn’t have the answers you need.
Yes, Dr Wakefield is a true hero, who has suffered for his stand for the kids…….and his handling protocol is very good.