SIDS is the term given to all of the babies who die of an unexplainable death before they turn one year old. SIDS and the DTaP Vaccine “70% of children who have died of SIDS received the pertussis vaccine within 3 weeks before death.” Within this 3 week time period after receiving the vaccine, children’s…
9 Natural Ways to Prevent your Family From Getting the Flu
The other day I was grocery shopping and staring at me from the other end of the cart, the entire time I was shopping, was a nice big ad for the flu vaccine. Honestly, I wanted to buy a permanent marker and write some facts over it. Of course, now is the time of year…
Protecting Your Baby from SIDS
The American Academy of Pediatrics just announced new sleep recommendations in efforts to save babies from dying of SIDS, yet the real dangers still haven’t been addressed. Skin to Skin and Co-Sleeping I applaud the AAP for including new evidence that supports skin-to-skin care for newborn infants. The addition of suggesting that a baby should sleep…
Kickbacks: What Your Pediatrician Gets for Vaccinating
(And a Peek At what Big Pharma Gets) The Role Insurance Companies Play and The Kickbacks Doctors Get Vaccines are a well on their pay to being a Trillion Dollar Business (all parties involved via projected numbers for the next 10 years) and there are incentives at every corner for anyone playing a role in injecting them…
How Cover-ups & Lies are Affecting an Entire Generation
One Family’s Story of Vaccine Injury and Autism This has been brewing for awhile and I’m mustering all my courage to share our story. Everybody handles things differently. I am a person that needs to research things from every angle to be sure that my own biases don’t play into decisions I make. When my husband…
What The NYTimes & Forbes Aren’t Telling You About Vaxxed
Making myself a hot cup of tea and sitting down at my computer Monday night, I found myself shocked when an article written for Forbes came across my screen. In it, the author boasts that Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, the film I had just seen that very morning with my husband and son, had…
When Spouses Don’t Agree on Vaccines
…And What Made One Husband Change His Mind About Vaccines Many of us have been there. One parent/partner starts to question vaccines, or perhaps knows with every fiber of his/her being that vaccinating his/her children is not an option, and their partner isn’t on the same page. Sometimes it’s an endless uphill battle even after…
A Letter To My Adult Children About Vaccines
*This is a guest post written by Becky Hastings. Becky is a wife, mother of 5, and grandmother of 4, whose blog, Journey Boost, has reached nearly 750,000 views. As a volunteer breastfeeding counselor for 23+ years, she has helped hundreds of moms find their own breastfeeding success. As she witnessed increasing numbers of vaccine…
Official Vaccine Injury Reward Report from the U.S. Court of Official Claims
Here’s the official Annual Report of Claims, in a letter from the United States Court of Federal Claims, to Joseph, R. Biden, Jr. (then President of the United States Senate). 151 pages of cases bought to court in just ONE year. MOST of them being vaccine injury related. NOTE just two years later, the latest version of…
Pregnant Women and the Flu – Behind the Story of the Latest Announced Findings
When you turn on the news today you will no doubt hear about the study done in Denmark that suggests that pregnant women who had the flu during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to a baby with autism. There is no doubt that this study will be used by both the CDC and…