There’s a photograph of me taken a few days after my first child was born. I am wearing the same pajamas I had on for the full day before, my hair has a greasy shine, my eyelids are drooping as if they need a prop to keep them open and, though it can’t be seen,…
Three Essentials to Have in Your Birth Bag
Essential #1 There were some things that no one told me about birth. Perhaps the most shocking thing for me was the aftermath happening down under. For some reason I never stopped to think about the fact that pushing a baby through my vagina would mean a couple of weeks of recovery down there. Since…
Labor and Delivery – as Simple as Eating Dates
Maybe ‘simple’ isn’t the optimal word, but I bet you are considering going out and buying some date fruit if you are close to delivering right now! As delivery dates (no pun intended) near, many pregnant women search for things that they can do to bring their babies into the world peacefully, naturally and as…
The Placenta: As Unique as Each Individual
A Day in the Life of a Placenta Specialist A guest post by Doula and Placenta Specialist, Deborah Rotunno I was at home catching up on some much needed paperwork when a call came into our business line. A doula was just coming from a birth at a local hospital. Fresh in her hands, she…
Wait! Don’t Wash That Newborn!
When I had my daughter, I made sure that the hospital staff did not give her a bath. I had done my research and learned that the vernix offers so many benefits and protection to a newborn, thus, why the baby is born covered in it to begin with. The vernix needs time to be…